MONTHLY DUES FEE:                         $45.00

    PER CAPITA FEE:                                $16.04 

    MEMBERSHIP INITIATION FEE:        $250.00 

    If you are on layoff, leave of absence, or workers comp and wish to maintain your continuous active status with the Union and thereby retain your eligibility to attend meetings, vote upon issues, nominate candidates for office or run for office in future elections, you must submit your dues directly to the Union office while off work.

    Dues must be submitted to the Local Union on or before the first day of the month for which they are due. Any member two calendar months in arrears for dues or fees to the Local Union shall stand suspended if same are not paid on or before the first day of the third month.


    ARTICLE XI - Initiation Fees & Dues and Article 38 (E) 1. & 2. of the International Constitution

    Section B.  1.  Dues shall be due and payable on or before the first day of the month for which they are due.  An applicant for membership shall pay an initiation or reinstatement fee, plus the current month’s dues and assessments.

                2.  The Local Union shall pay the dues obligation of its stewards appointed by the President.

    Since shop stewards are not required to pay dues, you are eligible to run as long as you are working.  If a shop steward is laid off or on a leave of absence for any reason (including leave due to a worker’s compensation injury), if you do not work 40 hours in the month, you are required to submit the International per capita fee ($16.04 per month) in order to maintain your continuous active membership and to remain eligible to run or hold elected office.

    Section C.   Any member two calendar months in arrears for dues or fees to the Local Union shall stand suspended if they are not paid on or before the first day of the third month.  After the expiration of such period, no officer, representative, or employee of this Local Union shall accept dues without a reinstatement application and the required fee. The responsibility for maintaining membership rests with the member; suspension, therefore, when it occurs, is the voluntary act of the member involved.

    ARTICLE XII – Elections and Article 35, (A), (D) 1 & 2, (E) of the International Constitution

    Section D. 2.  Any member satisfying the eligibility requirements of this Section must maintain continuous active membership in the Local Union to remain eligible to run for or hold elected office.

    Section Q. 1.  Where vacancies occur in any of the elected offices of a Local Union, the Local Union Executive Board, not later than 90 days after the vacancy occurs, shall fill the vacancy for the balance of the term.  However, a vacancy in the office of President shall be filled no earlier than 30 days nor later than 90 days after the vacancy occurs.

                2.  In the case of a vacancy in the office of President, the Secretary-Treasurer of the Local Union shall perform the President’s duties until a new President is elected by the Local Union Executive Board.

                3.  Any member filling a vacancy must satisfy the eligibility requirements of Article XII, Section D of these bylaws, as applicable, to the filling of vacancies.

    Section R.  If any officer shall fail to attend three successive Local Union Executive Board meetings, without satisfactory excuse, the office shall be declared vacant by the Local Union Executive Board.

    Page Last Updated: Sep 12, 2024 (11:17:19)
  • UFCW Local 186d

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