• About UFCW

    Our Union Established in April 1963, this local was originally known as Distillery, Wine and Allied Workers Union Local 186D.  In 1995, the local, as well as other locals merged with the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, or UFCW.  Our name became UFCW - Wine, Distillery and Allied Workers Union Local 186D.  Today the UFCW is one of the largest, most progressive, and fastest growing Unions in the world.  In North America, UFCW members can also be found working in virtually every type of workplace and providing just about every service you can imagine.

    Our local’s core industry is wine and distilleries with a small percentage representing closures/components.  Our local Union serves 38% of the market industry of wineries in the geographical area from Hollister to Ukiah.


    UFCW Local 186D offers many services to our members.  We have a long, proud history of accomplishments behind us & we strive to meet our members’ needs.


    Union Representatives

    Each worksite has a Union Representative (sometimes called a “Business Agent”)— union staff who regularly visit your worksite to inform you about what’s happening around the union, and help make sure everyone’s rights are protected.


    Union stewards are fellow coworkers and union members who have been trained to represent their coworkers on management issues, contract violations and at disciplinary meetings. Stewards also make sure their coworkers know what the benefits and policies the UFCW has worked out with the company are and welcome new members.

    It is important to know who the stewards are at your workplace so you know who to turn to if you have any questions or concerns. If you aren’t sure, you can call your local union office and they will help you find out who to talk to.


    We recommend that you familarize yourself with your Union Contract.

    Your UFCW Local 186D Business Representative, President or Shop Steward will help interpret the contract language for you.

    Please utilize the negotiated benefits covered in your Contract to assure that your rights, responsiblities and privleges are honored at your work place.

    Page Last Updated: Nov 13, 2020 (14:37:14)
  • UFCW Local 186d

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